Building the wall up to the damp course

As manager, I organised the delivery of the bags of sand so that Michael and Jason can start the blockwork build.
All the needed material had already been delivered to the site so there were no delays to the bricklayers getting to work straightaway.

We used very heavy 'foundation blocks' to start the walls off.

Michael getting the levels sorted so that the slab and wall will align with the old damp proof course.

The use of an auto-levelling laser level saves so much time.
The 'receiver' bleeps when it is at the correct level like the auto-landing system on aircraft.

The first row of foundation blocks coming along nicely.

And onto the brickwork.
These bricks will be seen on the extension when finished as the rendering will only go down to the damp course.
So facing bricks that matched the house were used.

The 'up-to-the-damp-course' block and brick work is nearly complete and covered over 'cos it had started raining.

Finishing off the last row of blocks that need to be cut to the right height.

Block and brick work completed and the work can begin to get ready for the slab.