My oak arrives - How to build a gree oak wood store in the UK

A green oak wood store
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My oak arrives
I ordered my green oak from English Woodlands Timber in Cocking in Sussex.

I ordered 'green oak' which is freshly cut timber and I chose French oak rather than English oak for this project.

Most importantly, I ordered planed oak! Although I have a Makita thicknesser the uprights weigh in at 80kG and at 8 feet long they would have been impossible me to plane them.
Big pieces of oak!
But not all for me!
Make sure if you order oak like this the delivery lorry has a crane or it could become quite a task.
Tim and Magpie the Labrador inspect the wood after unloading as we now have to manhandle it into my garage come workshop.
The handmade wooded pegs have arrived. I didn't use these  eventually because they were not long enough so I used 12" lengths 12mm oak dowel.

I used lots of these!
Copyright: Chris Gare 2007 - 2018
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