Making the corner braces - How to build a gree oak wood store in the UK

A green oak wood store
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Starting the joints
I needed to cut ten pieces of oak to the right length for the corner braces.
I then started marking out the corner braces hopinhg I had ordered enough wood!

Ten of these were needed.
I then started cutting the joints using a Makita depth circular saw ( I like makita!).
Marking out the tenons
Then I used a band saw to start cutting the tenons from the end.
Now they were beginning to look like a tenon.
Shaping the braces on the bandsaw.
This needs to be done carefully to avoid mistakes.
Max production starts!
One done, nine to go!
It didn't take too long to cut all the braces in practice.
I routered a chamfere on all the edged of the braces as it creates a big improvement in the looks.
A close look at the chamfers.
Copyright: Chris Gare 2007 - 2018
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